Christmas on the Line Vol II
Veterans of Season 3 share their stories of a Christmas in uniform.
Life on the Line tracks down Australian war veterans and records their stories. Veterans of Season 3 share with the Thistle Productions team their experiences of Christmas in uniform, from deployments overseas and back home in Australia. These stories have not been previously featured on the podcast. Returning guests include Dan Keighran VC, Alastair Bridges, Dr David Stevens, Bob Ray, Geraint Jones, Donna Watts-Endresz, Jodi Farmer, Harry Moffitt, Dr Ajitha Sugnanam, Bob Semple and Aaron Davis.
This episode is hosted by Sharon Mascall-Dare. Click here to hear the 2018 edition of Christmas on the Line.
Dr Ajitha Sugnanam (right) during her Christmas in Afghanistan.
Santa on the road to Checkpoint Khabir, Helmand, Afghanistan, with ammunition and water for Geraint Jones and other members of the Royal Welsh.
The jousting photo referred to by Aaron Davis in his second Christmas story.