Filtering by Tag: Rwanda

#130 Trent Burnard

Sharon Mascall-Dare interviews army veteran Trent Burnard.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Colonel Trent Burnard has worn an army uniform for 32 years. He went from soldier to officer, deployed to Rwanda and East Timor, and worked in Intelligence. Today he focuses on teaching leadership and resilience as a co-founder of Hindsight Leadership.

Episodes referenced at the end of the episode include:

#124 Mick Burgess

Sharon Mascall-Dare interviews army veteran Mick Burgess.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Mick Burgess has served in the Australian Army and Army Reserve for almost 40 years. He deployed to Rwanda as a young officer, encountering child soldiers and the aftermath of the Rwandan genocide. He went on to have a career in the army as an instructor and then a linguist, including an exchange to Thailand. He is now the Chair of the Remembrance Driveway Council. This is his story of service, as told to Sharon Mascall-Dare.

Episodes referenced at the end of the podcast include:

#80 Robyn White

Angus Hordern interviews Rwanda and Afghanistan veteran Robyn White.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Lieutenant Colonel Robyn White is currently serving as the Senior Medical Officer of 6 Brigade in the Australian Army Reserve. During her service with the full-time army and Reserves, she deployed to Rwanda and twice to the Middle East, including Afghanistan. She shared with Angus Hordern some key experiences from her time in uniform, and how her experiences in Rwanda inspired her to become a doctor.

#33 Tracy Smart

Life on the Line tracks down Australian war veterans and records their stories. Today's conversation is with Air Vice-Marshal Tracy Smart AM, currently serving with the Royal Australian Air Force. Tracy has seen a variety of deployments, including the UN mission to Rwanda. Our thanks go to Defence Media for organising the interview.

Minefields with Hugh Riminton

Life on the Line tracks down Australian war veterans and records their stories. Most weeks we also have a bonus episode, where we speak to historians, authors and others in the veterans community. Today's bonus episode is with Hugh Riminton. We spoke with Hugh about his career of frontline reporting from war zones, and his new book MINEFIELDS.