Filtering by Tag: Australian Army

#125 Ant Plater

Alex Lloyd interviews 2nd Commando Regiment veteran Ant Plater.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Former Special Forces operator Ant Plater served in the Australian Defence Force for 27 years, 17 of which were with the Commandos. He deployed to Somalia, Bougainville, East Timor, Iraq and Afghanistan, served in the Tactical Assault Group-East, and was the counter-terrorism advisor to the Australian Federal Police. Today, he’s a high-performance consultant for the Canberra Raiders and an advocate for the Commando Welfare Trust. The 2nd Commando Regiment veteran spoke with Alex Lloyd about his journey to the army and Special Forces, some of his deployments, the idea of ‘tribe’, and being a leader at the tip of the spear. 

#111 Chad McLaren

Sharon Mascall-Dare interviews Timor and border protection veteran, Chad McLaren.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Chad McLaren served in the Australian Army as an infantryman and deployed to East Timor in 2000. He then transferred to the Royal Australian Navy and served as a medic, including on border protection. At the Torrens Parade Ground in Adelaide, Chad spoke with Sharon Mascall-Dare about his military career, the role of sport in his life in and out of the military and the importance of veteran storytelling. Chad is one of the founders of Walk for a Veteran, with the 2021 walk set for August.

#110 Carly Box

Alex Lloyd interviews an Afghanistan veteran and the first female in an Australian Army combat corps, Carly Box.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Carly Box was in the Australian Army for 11 years. She was the first female to enlist into a combat corps in the army. She enlisted into Artillery and was an operator of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, commonly known as Drones). She deployed to Afghanistan in 2009 as a ScanEagle operator, spending over 1000 hours flying the drone, and again in 2013 as a Shadow mission commander. Today she co-owns and co-runs the Barracks Gym in Brisbane.

The episode referenced at the end of this podcast is #103 Monika Georgieva.

#43 Dan Keighran VC Vol II (ft. John Cantwell)

Alex Lloyd interviews Victoria Cross recipient Dan Keighran and retired Major General John Cantwell.

AVAILABLE NOW FOR PURCHASE, click the image above.

AVAILABLE NOW FOR PURCHASE, click the image above.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Daniel Keighran VC is the 99th Australian to receive the Victoria Cross, our nation’s highest award for bravery. Dan served in the Australian Army, 6 RAR, for a decade, deploying twice to Malaysia, once to Timor, once to Iraq and twice to Afghanistan. In his first Afghanistan deployment, he drove Bushmasters outside the wire with the Special Operations Task Group. In his second deployment there, Corporal Dan Keighran served in a traditional infantry role as a mentor for the Afghan National Army. On 24 August 2010, he performed a series of selfless and heroic actions in the Battle of Derapet, for which he was awarded the VC. Jared ‘Crash’ McKinney lost his life during this battle, and various awards for bravery and gallantry were given out. Dan received the VC in November 2012.

Alex Lloyd first spoke with Dan in Season 3, in #43 Dan Keighran VC. In that interview, they talked about Dan’s upbringing, his various military deployments, Derapet and the life-changing day he was bestowed the Victoria Cross. Since that conversation, Dan has written his autobiography COURAGE UNDER FIRE, out now. As Dan’s editor on the book, Alex brought him back on the show to talk about the book, and the fascinating new insights and revelations it offers about his life.

John Cantwell also came back on the show, after speaking earlier this season with Angus Hordern in a two-part conversation about his long career, to talk to Alex about the Battle of Derapet and his part in Dan Keighran’s story.

Dan also appeared in Season 3’s Christmas on the Line Vol II. Both Dan and John were featured in Season 4’s Christmas on the Line Vol III.

#95 Kylie Graham

Alex Lloyd interviews Iraq veteran Kylie Graham.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Kylie Graham served in the Australian Army for 16 years and is going on 19 year with the Royal Australian Air Force and Air Reserves. During her full-time years in the Air Force, she deployed to Iraq. She’s now a Welfare Officer and a psychologist. This is her conversation with Alex Lloyd about her years of service, memories from Iraq and her father’s time in the Vietnam War.

#93 Kelly Hammant

Sharon Mascall-Dare interviews Kelly Hammant, on deployment to the Middle East at the time of recording.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Warrant Officer Class One Kelly Hammant has served in the Australian Army for 24 years and had 10 deployments, including to Indonesia, Iraq, Afghanistan and border protection. She deployed to the Middle East with the Theatre Communications Group Rotation 10 as the Regimental Quarter Master Sergeant, and this deployment finished at the end of September 2020. Kelly spoke to Sharon Mascall-Dare about her various deployments, her battle with alcoholism as a result of trauma from her service, how she overcame those difficulties, the mentoring role she plays to young people today, and the impact of COVID-19 on her recent deployment.

Daniel Keighran VC - Courage Under Fire

A trailer for COURAGE UNDER FIRE by Daniel Keighran VC.

Podcast host Alex Lloyd is a Senior Editor at book publisher Pan Macmillan Australia, and the editor of Daniel Keighran VC's autobiography. Dan's military memoir, COURAGE UNDER FIRE, is out 27 October. It's now available for preorder. Listen to this short podcast to find out more about the book and hear reviews of it by Mark Donaldson VC, Sir Peter Cosgrove, Dame Quentin Bryce, John Cantwell, Dr Brendan Nelson, Sir Angus Houston, David Hurley and David Morrison. COURAGE UNDER FIRE was written with Tony Park, an Afghanistan veteran and conversation #81 earlier this season.

Preoder now through your retailer of choice, including Booktopia, Dymocks, QBD Books, Amazon, Apple and more.

Preoder now through your retailer of choice, including Booktopia, Dymocks, QBD Books, Amazon, Apple and more.

Willy Beating Cancer OAM

Alex Lloyd speaks again with Afghanistan veteran Matt Williams.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Corporal Matthew Williams is currently serving in the Australian Army. Willy, as he’s better known, had his 21st birthday on deployment to Afghanistan. On his 22nd birthday, he received a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer. But he never gave up the fight. He started what’s become a hugely popular Instagram page – Willy Beating Cancer – documenting his journey of physical and mental health as he fights his illness, increases awareness of it and raises money for it. Alex Lloyd interviewed Willy in 2018, in the post-Season 2 bonus episode ‘A Journey of Resilience with Matt Williams’, about his military service and cancer diagnosis. Two years after the original podcast, Alex brought Willy back on the show for an update on what’s been going on his life.

#76 Sarah Watson

Alex Lloyd interviews Iraq veteran Sarah Watson.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Sarah Watson was an Intelligence Officer in the Australian Army. She deployed to Iraq in 2006 and was the Intelligence Analyst for all Middle Eastern countries except Afghanistan during the Arab Spring. This is Alex Lloyd's conversation with Sarah about the challenges and victories she faced in uniform, and beyond.

Sarah returned to the podcast in Christmas on the Line Vol III.

Sarah was also featured in the video documentary series LIFE AFTER SERVICE.