Filtering by Tag: cancer

Willy Beating Cancer OAM

Alex Lloyd speaks again with Afghanistan veteran Matt Williams.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Corporal Matthew Williams is currently serving in the Australian Army. Willy, as he’s better known, had his 21st birthday on deployment to Afghanistan. On his 22nd birthday, he received a diagnosis of terminal brain cancer. But he never gave up the fight. He started what’s become a hugely popular Instagram page – Willy Beating Cancer – documenting his journey of physical and mental health as he fights his illness, increases awareness of it and raises money for it. Alex Lloyd interviewed Willy in 2018, in the post-Season 2 bonus episode ‘A Journey of Resilience with Matt Williams’, about his military service and cancer diagnosis. Two years after the original podcast, Alex brought Willy back on the show for an update on what’s been going on his life.

#84 Tim Reynolds

Angus Hordern interviews Iraq veteran and cancer survivor Tim Reynolds.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian military veterans and records their stories. Tim Reynolds served in the Australian Army for 27 years. He joined as a mechanic and retired at the rank of Major. He had multiple deployments during his service, including to Iraq in 2005. He began a new civilian career in his 40s before being diagnosed with a terminal cancer. This is Tim's conversation with Angus Hordern of a life in uniform, deployments overseas and overcoming adversity against the odds.

Tim returned to the podcast in Christmas on the Line Vol III.

A Captain's Cancer Battles with Hugo Toovey

Alex Lloyd speaks with currently serving Australian Army Captain Hugo Toovey.

Life on the Line tracks down Australian war veterans and records their stories. Today's bonus episode is with Hugo Toovey, who is currently a Captain in the Australian Army. Hugo has endured two battles with cancer while in his twenties and serving his country in uniform. In this conversation with Alex Lloyd, Hugo describes the military career he dreamed of having, how testicular cancer then bowel cancer changed that, and the work he’s doing today to encourage the younger demographic to be in tune with their bodies, as it just might save a life. Hugo is the co-host of the 25StayAlive podcast.

A Journey of Resilience with Matt Williams

Life on the Line tracks down Australian war veterans and records their stories. This bonus episode is a conversation with Matt Williams, an army veteran who had one deployment to Afghanistan. Matt now has incurable brain cancer. He spoke to Alex Lloyd about his military days, his journey post-army and outlook on life.

Willy returned to the podcast in Season 4, two years after his original interview, to give a career and health update.